Saturday, June 19, 2010

Claire's Graduation

Claire's going to Kindergarten! Yes, she graduated from pre-school and will be starting all-day kindergarten in the fall. Holly will put her on a bus and won't see her again until the bus drops her off at the end of the day!

She also had her dance recital a couple weeks ago. Doesn't she look cute in her costume? Also, she lost yet another tooth today! 3 teeth already!

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to these great men!

I'll begin with my Dad. He passed away almost 2 1/2 years ago and I miss him a lot. A couple weeks ago I was at In and Out Burger and out of the blue, I looked over and there was a man who reminded me so much of my dad, tears welled up in my eyes and I couldn't hold them back. Bryan thought I was crazy to all of a sudden burst into tears at In and Out Burger! Missing my dad hits me at the most random times! My dad was and is (and I say is because he still is - even though he's not on this earth with us - I believe he has taken these traits with him) kind, loving, patient, compassionate, giving, thrifty, spiritual, smart, organized and much more. I feel blessed to be his daughter and to have been raised by such a loving and kind man. I hope to be able to emulate these traits in my own life. I love you, Dad and I know you're keeping your eye on our family and helping us however and whenever you can.

My Father-in-law is 93 years old and has had the most amazing life. Although his memory is failing him (understandably so), he had the most amazing memory for facts and historical events. If I could have a fraction of his memory, that would be really great! I'm so thankful for this great man and the influence he has had on so many lives. Here is a picture of him at our Family Reunion and his 93rd Birthday in his Indian hat with his two sisters. Isn't he a good sport?

Bryan is such a great husband and I'm blessed to be his wife. When our kids were small (3 under 2 1/2) and I really had my hands full all day, I appreciated so much when he told me he would much rather come home and see me spending time with the kids than to have a sparkly clean house. That relieved so much stress for me! That's just the kind of guy he is. I love you, Bryan. Thanks for being such a good dad and now such a great Papa.

Our 3 sons and our son-in-law are the best dads! Busy as they are, they spend as much quality time with their kids as they can.

I hope you all have a great Father's Day!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Happy Birthday, BJ!

Happy Birthday to our first-born! It's hard to believe it was 33 years ago that we became parents - a very exciting day. Thank you for being such a good son - we love you and wish you a very Happy Day!


Last week I was at the gym in my step class, which I've been doing twice a week for a couple of years and LOVE it. I've never had an incident until Tuesday when I came down from a jump, hit the side of the step with my foot and went down to the floor - catching my fall with my right arm. A spectacular display of my gracefulness, I'm sure!

And here are the results.........

OWIE on the ankle! AND......

Bruise on the elbow from the pressure of catching my fall.
Can't wait to get back to the gym!

Another birthday Party!

My nephew, Brady, was born on my 20th birthday. Happy Birthday, Brady! His parents surprised him and came to visit from Utah for his birthday, so we all got together for dinner and dessert and to celebrate all the June birthdays - BJ and my brother-in-law, Dennis have June birthdays too.

Here is Brady's beautiful wife, Queen Elizabeth! The tiara is compliments of Lexi, who adores Elizabeth.

Here is my sister, Kathy and her husband Dennis. It's always fun to have them come into town so we can have a party!

Lexi, Sam and Sadie

Kylie being silly in the birthday hat!

Sophie, Sam and Sadie - Sam was still outnumbered by girls - Brady & Elizabeth have 2 girls, along with Ty and Tiff's 3 and BJ & Shannon's 1. He loves his cousins though and gets along fine with far!

Here's bright-eyed Brodi!

And sweet little Bella!

Happy Birthday to me!

There's absolutely no better way than to spend my birthday with my family. I wish all of the grandkids could have been there, but I LOVED having these 5 with me. We went to Joe's BBQ, where I received my free birthday meal. They have picnic tables and a very family-friendly environment where kids can run around, climb trees, and play on grass. It was a very fun evening.

Bryan bought me HUGE purple earrings, a purple necklace and bracelet and these sunglasses to wear at my party.