Sunday, July 11, 2010

Brodi Michelle Watkins

Brodi's adoption became official on Thursday, July 8! BJ and Shannon have had custody of her since October, but now she is officially Brodi Watkins. We're so excited to have this little girl in our family. Here are some pictures of the big day.

The first one is in the actual courtroom and the second was right outside the courtroom. A very happy family!

And this one was just so cute, I had to include it in here. Papa, Sam & BJ leaving the courthouse. I'd like to say Sam is jumping for joy to have a new sister, but I think he's still trying to decide if he likes sharing his toys! Overall, everyone is adjusting nicely - good thing too because there are more changes in the works for this family - a new baby boy will be joining the family anyday now! So many blessings coming into our family!

4th of July

I'm so disappointed because I took some really cute pictures on the 4th of July, but they all turned out fuzzy. But the good news is that we were able to get our cabin in Pine back - we have had it rented to a missionary couple for the past year. Ty, Tiff and girls went with us and we played some Rook, ate good food, got things put back together and enjoyed the cool evenings in Pine. On 4th of July, we went to a park in Payson and watched fireworks. Those who live in Arizona will appreciate the fact that it was so cool in Payson that we had to bundle up in blankets! It was probaby 110 degrees in the Phoenix area, but just 1 1/2 hours away, we were actually COLD! We love having the cabin back.

Good Riddance

For a long time, I've had a lipoma on my upper right arm. I had it liposuctioned out about 8 years ago, but it soon starting growing back. When another one grew on my left shoulder and was affecting my shoulder movement, I decided it was time to do something about it once and for all (hopefully!). Soooooo, on July 2, I finally had them removed and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I heard the scissors snipping away at the tumor, but other than that, the shots to deaden the area were the most painful part of the whole thing. The tumor on my right arm was 5 centimeters and the one on my shoulder was 4 centimeters. The Dr. showed them to me after he cut them out and they were pretty ugly looking - I wish I had taken my camera with me so you could all see them too! Here are some pictures - right before I left for the procedure...
Upper right arm

Pointy left shoulder

Sorry - sideways, but this is the right arm 2 days after. Yeah, it bruised up pretty good.

Oops - sideways again - this is the left shoulder. It looks wrinkly because the Dr. left some plastic over the stitches to keep them in place and so I could shower and not have to worry about them.
It has been over a week and they're still a little bruised, but looking much better and I'm so happy to have them GONE!