Wednesday, May 23, 2012

California Trip - Part 1

We had a mini-Watkins family reunion in California, but we missed those who couldn't be with us. Jeff had a conference in San Francisco and Holly was able to go along with him. They were planning on getting together with Michael and Mallory at some point while they were there. Then, BJ and Shannon found out they needed to drive to California to get some licensing taken care for Shannon's work, so they decided they might as well drive to Northern California (even though Southern California is much closer) and be there the same time Holly and Jeff were there so they could see them. And, I, being unemployed and wanting to see everyone, asked BJ if I could tag along in their car with them and they said yes! So, that's how our little vacation came about. Unfortunately, Bryan sacrificed to stay home and take care of some real estate clients. Ty and Tiff had just returned from Southern California so they weren't up for another trip so soon and Claire and Ethan were back in Iowa with Grandpa and Grandma Boyer.

BJ and Shannon's kids were so good in the car. It was a long drive for them, but they were champs. However, they were ready to run around once we arrived at Michael & Mallory's apartment, so BJ took them to the neighborhood park before we ate dinner.
 Madie, Brodi, Sam
The next day, we drove to San Francisco, where we met up with Holly at Pier 39. We watched the sea lions for awhile, ate some lunch, looked around in some of the shops and Holly and participated in a survey some people were doing and we each earned $50 cash! Sweet!
Mallory, Madie, Michael
 3 of our 4 - BJ, Holly, Michael
 BJ, Holly, Michael, Me
 Brodi and Madie at Ghiradelli Square
I LOVE Madie's boots! She wore them all day long and looked so adorable.
 Holly and Hannah. And by the way, we missed being with Holly on her birthday by 1 week, but we're thankful we could be with her at least in the month of her birthday. Happy Birthday, Holly! We love you!
 This is bread! Amazing creation in one of the bakeries along the SF pier
Later in the day, we met up with Jeff after he finished his meetings. We went to dinner at The Rain Forest Cafe in SF. It was LOUD! We sat right by the elephants and when they started their noises, the kids were a little scared, but soon got used to it. It was really fun.

 This is how close we were to the elephants!!!

What a fun time we had together on a little last minute trip! Holly and Jeff left for Iowa the next morning, but we continued with more fun adventures. See the next post........

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