Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Eve,Eve,Eve,Eve,Eve,Eve,Eve Party!

When we're in town, we always have our family Christmas get-together on Christmas Eve. Since we will be in Iowa this year for Christmas, we had our Christmas Eve with our Mesa family on Dec 18. I have to thank Tiffany for taking pictures. I've copied all of these pictures from her blog and I'm so thankful she documented the evening because I didn't get one picture! Thanks, Tiff.
We started with our traditional candelight dinner of ham, funeral potatoes, green bean casserole, red jello salad and Papa's rolls. Then we had ice cream roll for dessert. The kids all ate so well and were very well-behaved - I was very proud of them. We had Christmas music playing in the background and we could actually hear the music!
 The kids were all excited to open their presents and could hardly wait! They wanted to open them right when they arrived, but we made them wait until after dinner.
Bryan and I are very excited because we got tickets to 'Wicked' from Ty & Tiff and some dinner gift cards and BJ and Shannon gave us a gift certificate to Amazon. Ty & Tiff's girls gave me Tootsie Rolls (they give me these every year and I LOVE them!)
 After dinner, we played Christmas carols with our chimes, another fun activity we enjoy on Christmas Eve. The kids are getting really good at it and we could actually identify which song we were playing!
I love traditions! I am so thankful to have family close by to share these special times with. I wish Holly and Michael and families lived closer so we could all get together more often, but I take what I can get and am thankful for it. Now we're looking forward to going to Iowa to have another Christmas - this time with Holly, Jeff, Claire and Ethan. I'll post about that when we get home.

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