We are moving out of our house in a couple of weeks and I've been packing up! Our renters are moving out of the house we're going to move into today, so next week we'll be busy painting and getting it ready for us to move into. Sooooo, I've been busy the last couple of weeks packing up - so I don't have to worry about it next week. Everything, except the things that need to hang up, is out of the closets and the only cupboards that have anything in them are the kitchen pantry, a couple of cupboards with dishes in them and our bathroom cupboards. I'm pretty well ready to go. I've been cleaning as I go along, so the move should go pretty smoothly. We are planning on taking the boxes over room by room and then we'll have a moving day with helpers coming to move all the big stuff. Here is my office:
These 6 boxes are the books that go on my bookshelves. The other 2 have my colored paper in them.
The yellow bedroom - one pile for the new guest room and 1 pile for storage. We will have one less bedroom and a lot less storage space in our new place, so we need to be creative with storage space.
Here is the bedroom affectionately known as 'Michael's room" - even though he only lived here for a couple of months! It's all packed up and the closet is empty except for all the food storage boxes in the closet.
The family room - it looks so strange without pictures on the walls.
Kitchen area....
Dining Room area....all of the cabinets are empty, I'm planning to hand carry some of the breakable items.
and the Living Room.....I'm sad to leave this house - it is such a nice floor plan, but it will be very nice to have half the mortgage payment when we move to the other house.
As we were taking things out of the playhouse, I just had to take a picture of this. These are the grand kids assignments when they play in the playhouse. I noticed they're all supposed to Listen! And Claire and Ethan are the watch guards - they haven't been doing a very good job since they haven't been to the playhouse for almost 2 years! Maybe we wouldn't have had the bee problem if they had been on the job! I'm sad the grand kids won't have a playhouse anymore, but we'll have to create another play place for them.
This is the fireplace for the playhouse. We drew a fireplace on some paper and attached it to some cardboard. Isn't it adorable? I want to keep it just because it's so cute! Maybe we can use it in our new family room! (just kidding)
We had our last Sunday dinner at this house last week. Sadie sat down at the kids table, posed like this and said, "This is how we sit at school". It was so adorable, I had to take a picture of it. And it really is how they sit at school while they're waiting for their teacher to begin class.
Lexi got dish duty after our dinner. Thank you, Lexi!
Then we played a little Grand Slam and Creepy Crawlers. We missed BJ, Shannon and family, who were home with sick kids. Brodi's birth grandparents are buying our home though, so BJ's kids will be back at this house very often for visits! Maybe we can sneak in a visit or two as well.
We have made such wonderful memories in this house. I will miss it, but we'll make many more memories at our new house. Posts of our new house will come once we get settled.