I am so very blessed and have many things to be thankful for. At this Thanksgiving time, I want to list some of the things I'm thankful for - not necessarily in order - I just wrote them as they popped into my head. This is just the beginning of a list that could go on forever. I truly am blessed.
I’m thankful that:
- Bryan is here with me this Thanksgiving. I almost lost him to a heart attack in May.· My family is all healthy, safe and happy.· Holly is expecting a baby in May.· Michael was able to start a great job 2 weeks after his contract ended at his previous job.· I live in the same ward with BJ, Tyler and their families.· We were able to sell our previous house and get rid of the large house payment we had on it.· We were able to move into our rental house and do some nice things to fix it up.· I babysit 3 of my grandchildren and get paid for it.· Real estate has been very good this year.· I have had a job with The Training Alliance for 18 years – even if it is just for 10 hours a month currently.· I was able to lose 22 lbs this year.· I am almost done with the Book of Mormon (started in January).· I can see, hear, smell, feel and have relatively good health.· I have a wonderful Mom, who is in good health.· I have 4 wonderful children, who are all active in the church and raising their children in the gospel.· I have the 10 cutest grandchildren in the world!· I’m able to work in Real Estate with Bryan as my broker.· I have wonderful brothers and a wonderful sister.· I belong to the Clark Family and have so many amazing nieces and nephews, who now have amazing children of their own.· I belong to Bryan’s family – who is also TOTALLY amazing!· I was able to be in Utah this year to celebrate Bryan’s dad’s 95 years of living on this earth. His funeral was wonderful.· I have modern appliances – microwave, dishwasher, washer/dryer – I appreciate them more when I have to go without one of them for awhile.· I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.· I live in the United States of America.· I have a nice car that works.· I live in a place that has beautiful weather in the winter.· I can go to places where the weather is nice in the summer!· I have great friends who I still keep in touch with – even though distance has separated us – Jill, Sharon, Debbie, Dawn, and many more….· I am able to express my opinions by voting.· I am able to watch HGTV, Fox News and BYU TV.· I have Direct TV.· I have all of my music CD’s on my iPod and on my Google Play list on my computer.· I have a cell phone with unlimited minutes.· I live within 20 minutes of a temple and almost 2 temples.· I can start listening to Christmas Music as early as I want to and for as long as I want to!· I was able to decorate my Christmas tree today.· We have this time of year – when everyone is happier and thankful for their blessings.· I am able to go see the ocean a couple times each year. I miss it so much.· I could enjoy the Watkins cabin this year – it might be sold next year.· I have my Dad looking out for me from Heaven.· I have a loving Heavenly Father, who loves me, knows me and wants me to be happy.· I have the atonement in my life and that the Savior is there to make up the difference in the areas I fall short in.· I have air conditioning in the summer and a furnace in the winter.· I always have good food to eat.· Bryan makes delicious bread for us to eat.· I can serve others.· I can keep up with friends and family on my computer.· My family is just a phone call or Skype/Video chat away.