Happy 81st Brithday, Mom! I took a trip to Utah to be with my Mom for her birthday and we had such a fun time. We enjoyed eating out and visiting with family. We were also able to take a drive up to Park City so we could get new owner badges for the timeshare at The Canyons. We had a nice time - it was a beautiful day. We sat outside and enjoyed a nice cup of Hot Chocolate as we watched the skiiers come off the mountain. Here she is on her birthday. Doesn't she look great? She is amazing and I'm so proud of her.

There isn't much family left in Utah, but Doug & Kay, Kathy & Dennis, Matt, Melissa & kids, Derek, Melinda & kids and I were all able to be there with Mom and have cake and ice cream on her birthday. Dan & Shauna couldn't make it because Isaac was sick.
We all went in on a gift for my Mom - we got her an iPod Touch. Here is my brother, Doug, showing her how to use it. It will be a bit overwhelming for her at first, but she'll get it. She's very sharp.
Monday, Feb 21, Doug, Kay, Kathy, Dennis, Mom & I went to Mimi's for dinner. It's one of Mom's favorite restaurants. We missed Dave & Ruth and Bryan - who were all with us last year!
Also, while I was in Utah, I was able to see my friend, Sharon Wright. We realized that it's been about 10 years since we last saw each other. We call and email each other, but we haven't been able to connect personally until this trip. We always pick up right where we left off and there is never a lull in the conversation. I was sad when she had to leave. We are kindred spirits. It's strange with Sharon - we only knew each other for about 9 months, but we became instant friends and have kept in touch ever since. It was so great to see her.