Friday, February 11, 2011

Papa's 29 again!!!

Happy Birthday to my very wonderful husband! I hope you have a great day and know how loved you are.

Also, on Valentine's Day, it will be 35 years since Bryan proposed to me! WOW- 35 years! I guess that throws the "Papa's 29 again" theory out the window, huh? I'm thankful for the great 35 years we've had together and I look forward to the next 35. 
I love you, Bryan!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Counting my blessings

This might be a little depressing, but I've been counting my blessings all day after I ran across this blog through another friend's blog - it made me so sad for this couple from Idaho. Their little 18 month old girl, Preslee, drowned last summer. She was the same age as our little granddaughter, Madie, is right now and I can't even imagine losing her. I just don't know if I could have gone on if something like this had ever happened to one of my kids - or to my grandkids. My heart goes out to them and to others who have lost their children. I think they will earn extra blessings in heaven for going through this experience. I feel extremely blessed and thankful for my family - and believe me, there are constant prayers said for all of them.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Birthday, Holly!

Happy Birthday to our sweet daughter! It was such an exciting day on February 3, 1980 when she came into our family! She has 2 older brothers, so it was especially exciting to get a little girl! Holly was very easy to raise - she was obedient, happy, organized, loving, fun, patient, tolerant, righteous, the list could go on and on. Now, at 31, she's still all of those things and to add to it, she's a great homemaker, wife and mother! We couldn't ask for a more perfect daughter. Happy Birthday, Holly! We hope your day is wonderful and all your wishes come true this coming year!