4 years ago
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Sam & Brodi - a weekend with Nana & Papa
Here are Nana, Sam and Brodi getting ready to ride on the train. Papa joined us after he took the picture. We were the only passengers on the whole train!
Sam went on this jet-ski ride 3 times and loved it. Sorry, BJ & Shannon - he now knows these rides exist and had quite a fun time! He still wouldn't go on the carousel though, so you're good there.
Doesn't Brodi look like she's having fun? NOT! She was pretty freaked out. What looks like a smile on her face is actually a cry - she cried the whole time she was on this ride. So, BJ & Shannon, you won't have to worry about Brodi begging to go on these rides for awhile!
'Sam' in the Box
Sam and Brodi are staying with us this weekend while their parents are in the Bay Area having a much needed vacation! Sam doesn't like to take naps in a bed - he usually sleeps on the couch or other places. Well, today when it was nap time, he said he wanted to sleep inside this box that they've been playing with. We compromised by turning the box on it's side and making it comfortable with his pillow and a blanket. He slept there for 3 hours, so it must have been okay!
Sam's birthday date - 3 months late!
When our grandkids turn 3 years old, we start taking them out on a special date for their birthday. We tried to schedule Sam's date around his birthday, but he was such a busy little boy, we never fit it in. This weekend, we finally were able to take him out. We took him to the mall to ride the carousel but he wanted nothing to do with it. So, we got Panda Express and he ate a few bites......I've never seen anyone eat broccoli so slow in my life. He ate the top off in little, tiny bites and left the rest!
After dinner, since he didn't want to ride the carousel, we took him to the children's play area and he went down the slide a few times and climbed on a few toys. He did like the little helicopter and the car that you put $1.00 in (it used to be a quarter!) and it shakes. That one was okay and he had fun!
Sadie, the Graduate
Sadie recently had her first pre-school graduation with a couple more to come before she's old enough to go to Kindergarten. She has been going to Ms. Tiffany's Pre-school - who happens to be her mom! She looks so cute in her graduation cap.
Each child told what they want to be when they grow up. Sadie wants to be a rock star!
Here is Sadie with some of her pre-school friends. (Look how big the boy next to her is!) Congratulations, Sadie. We can't believe you're getting so old!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
M, M & M move to California
Michael got a great temporary job at Lawrence Livermore Labs in California. Bryan flew to Utah to help them drive the moving van while they drove their car. After they got everything moved in, they had time for a trip to Monterey before Bryan flew back to AZ.
I can just smell the smells of the Monterey Wharf - mmmmm - I miss it so much - it's one of my favorite places!
Such a cute picture of Papa and Madie.
I'm feeling the need to pay a visit to the Bay Area really soon!
Claire's visit from the tooth fairy
Lexi - the reader
Mother's Day Feast
The boys spoiled us on Mother's Day and made a delicious dinner - AND they cleaned up too. It was a nice treat. Here is our Mother's Day feast of barbecued Teriyaki Chicken, rice, beans, salad and a delicious chocolate dessert. Ken Scott joined us for dinner too.

Sam & Sadie had their own little table and started out sitting across from each other. We looked over and they were next to each other having such a great time. They really have fun together and get along so well.

Brodi loves her bread and jam.
After dinner we went outside - it was a beautiful evening. When our kids were little, I gave them a bucket of water and a paint brush and let them go "paint" anything they wanted to. I think it was the best toy they ever had. Now we have passed that along to our grandkids and they love it too.
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Juanita Clark

First of all, I want to say Happy Mother's Day to my Mom! I am so blessed to have been raised in the gospel, in a beautiful area, in a well organized and happy home with loving parents. I have so many examples of ways my mom has shown her love for me. Here are a few: I was a picky eater growing up and my mom made me special dishes of food when I didn't like something - for example - she made a green jello salad with cottage cheese and pineapple in it. I didn't like cottage cheese or pineapple and my sweet mom would put some of the plain green jello in a bowl just for me before she added the other stuff. I felt so special that she would do that for me. Okay so I've been accused of being a bit spoiled, but I always felt like I was just plain loved! And - I'm not a picky eater now, so it didn't hurt me a bit.
Many times I would come home from school and there would be a fresh vase of lilacs in my bedroom. My mom knows how much I love lilacs and this act of kindness demonstrated that she had been thinking about me that day.
When I was in elementary school, we lived very close to the school and I was able to walk home for lunch sometimes. I remember a particular day when I went home for lunch, Mom had warm tomato soup and toast ready for me. It tasted so good and I felt warm and comfortable. I really didn't want to go back to school, but of course, I had to.
Christmas was always such a magical time in our home. Mom always made it exciting and special for me. We lived close to a lot of my Stone cousins and I have many happy memories of times spent with them.
I remember when I had my babies, I looked forward to having mom fly out to help me - it was so comforting having her there and always a bit scarey when she would leave and I was on my own.
I love you, Mom, and I hope you know what a great influence you have been on me. Thank you for your patience, thoughtfulness, love and understanding and for all you continue to do for me.
I also want to pay tribute to my wonderful mother-in-law for raising such a good son. She passed away in 2000, but has left an amazing family. She had 8 children, 50 grandchildren and later this year her 98th great grandchild will be born. She taught her children to be hard working, kind and loving adults. I'm so thankful for her great example and particularly for the way she raised Bryan.
Her family was and still is everything to her and I know she's still looking after her family and directing things the best she can!
Now I'm watching my daughter and my daughters-in-law raise their children, and can I just say how blessed I am to have these wonderful women raising my beautiful grandchildren? I am truly blessed and thankful for each one of them. Holly, Shannon, Tiffany and Mallory - THANK YOU for being such great mothers and teaching your children correct principles.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Another new background!
Maybe you've noticed that I like to change my background a lot! There are so many cute ones to choose from, I decided, why not? Besides, I get bored having the same one for too long. It's kinda pathetic that I don't have anything more exciting to blog about!
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